An exhibition on the 21st century black identity experience.
Curated by Nicola Vassell
Concept NV, New York, USA
May 2014
BLACK EYE is a multi-generational journey through the shifting dynamics of race over the previous 20 years. The apex of the show’s concept lives in a new idealism forged by the millennial mindset which highlights the definition of “self as limitless, layered and a wonderfully fragmented whole. Gender, sexuality, trans-culturalism and political proclamation are as fitting identifiers of the self as the color of one’s skin.

Artist Videos Series
Directed by Danilo Parra
The successes and narratives of the BLACK ORIGINAL have driven the cultural perception of race from a feared, forlorn place to the default wellspring of inspiration and innovation. Using the Obama era as a touchstone, BLACK EYE explores contemporary notions of blackness through the minds of the world’s leading black artists.
These artists embody the spirit of new social terrain by creating and living unconventionally— but that is what is expected of great artists. We look to them to help describe some tenable if tenuous social utopia where race occupies a less tempestuous mental turf; where in the prioritization of what constitutes the self—race— even with contemporary society’s strides forward, operates as a more stable lever.
